Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Christmas Party, or Thank God for Ron Morgan

We had a Christmas Party. I had a blast planning the table, going to the San Francisco Flower Mart with Ann at dawn. Leslie of The Three Pinks is right, the magic that is the Flower Mart disappears when the sun comes up.

I think all those Monday mornings spend watching Ron Morgan work his magic are paying off. Ron always says "Just play and have fun!" and I did. I think it turned out well...but you can see for yourself.
The reindeer and silver leaves are from Ron Morgan's shop in Lafayette, Loot.
The hollow birch logs and the glass vases are from the Flower Mart. Beads and balls from Target.
And the inspiration is from Ron, from Cathy, from Ann. Thank you for making my life more beautiful...and more fun. 

1 comment:

  1. The centerpieces were truly stunning. I had hoped you'd photographed them.
