Unfortunate name - Anvil of Darkness. I'm calling it Navy. It's almost black, it's available at Sloat's in Danville - at lest it will be until I get out of my jammies and head down there for some more. Isn't it yummy? Also check out the peony (accent on the first syllable please) called Kopperkettle. Yum. 
The Dr Seuss plant, we call it. It's an echium. From Annie's Annuals. No, I don't know its last name. Go hunting on Annie's website, then you can feel smug and superior. Lucky you. She has the most fabulous stuff! If you've seen a plant in someone else's garden that prompted thoughts of larceny, of late night visits with a shovel, it probably came from Annie.
It is growing through a tomato cage. I've had it with ugly flimsy tomato cages, I grow tomatoes in the front garden (more larceny but this time by the little people) and I insist on attractive supports. Sort of like sexy lingere for tomatoes. Check this out:
There is a tiny tomato snuggled under the dressmaker's dummy, among the geranium and next to the iris. Isn't this better looking than those nasty flimsy things most nurseries pass off as tomato cages? At Sloat's, at Orchard. Go get some. They last for ever.
And I have tons of tomatoes in need of support...
I grew these from seeds. Mike, the lovely Greek waiter at Forli's Italian Restaurant in Alamo gave me the seeds - from his brother in Greece, dried on a paper towel, still stuck to the rolled-up paper towel. I tore the towel into little bits and started them on heat mats. Finally, a seed starting success story! Can't wait to taste them - I don't even know if they're big or small, but judging from the stocky plants I'm guessing the plant at least will be a sturdy monster. Good thing they will have strong support.
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